API Documentation

Send POST HTTP request to:


Authorization is made via Authorization parameter in headers of HTTP request:

Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN

Request is expected to have JSON body (content). Example of the JSON is here:

    "place":"49.8209226, 18.2625243",

Response should look like this:

  "ver": "2.0",
  "timestamp": 1554294022.0034983,
  "success": true,
  "errors": [],
  "form_errors": [],
  "orig_params": {
    "place": "49.8209226, 18.2625243",
    "kind": "sale",
    "property_type": "flat",
    "rating": "good",
    "ownership": "private",
    "local_type": "1+kk",
    "floor_area": "50"
  "calc_time": 0.04828643798828125,
  "ignored_ids": [],
  "place": "49.8209226, 18.2625243",
  "lat": 49.8209226,
  "lng": 18.2625243,
  "result": {
    "calc_area": 50,
    "avg_price_m2": 21955,
    "min_price_m2": 20212,
    "max_price_m2": 23673,
    "std_price_m2": 1348,
    "avg_price": 1097785,
    "min_price": 1010600,
    "max_price": 1183650,
    "distance": 2000,
    "flags": [],
    "lat": 49.8209226,
    "lng": 18.2625243

JSON Parameters

required parameters*
recommended parameters**

  • place*
    • primary function is accepting longitude and latitude
      • but we also provide option of auto search from fulltext address (eg. "Evropská, Praha")
    • GPS coordinates could be passed in format: 50.100593, 14.395391
    • required
  • floor_area*

    • area in square meters
    • numeric, float
    • required if property_type set as flat or house
  • lot_area*

    • area in square meters
    • numeric, float
    • required if property_type set as land
  • kind:*

    • specifies type of returned data
    • has high impact on ignored / processed data
    • recommended default: 'sale'
    • required
    • accepted values:
      • 'sale' => 'Prodej'
      • 'lease' => 'Pronájem'
  • property_type*

    • specifies type of real estate
    • recommended default:: 'flat'
    • required
    • accepted values:
      • 'flat' => 'Byt'
      • 'house' => 'Dům'
      • 'land' => 'Pozemek'
  • rating*

    • specifies state of real estate
    • required if property_type set as flat or house
    • accepted values:
      • 'bad' => 'Neobyvatelný'
      • 'nothing_much' => 'Před rekonstrukcí'
      • 'good' => 'Průměrný'
      • 'very_good' => 'Po kompletní rekonstrukci'
      • 'new' => 'Novostavba'
      • 'excellent' => 'Luxusní'
  • as_of**

    • specify day for which calculation should be made
    • if it is not passed, as_of is automatically set as today date
    • date variable
    • recommended date format dd.mm.YYYY or YYYY-mm-dd
  • ownership

    • specifies ownership of real estate
    • accepted values:
      • null => 'Neuvedeno'
      • 'private' => 'Osobní'
      • 'cooperative' => 'Družstevní'
      • 'council' => 'Státní/obecní'
      • 'other' => 'Jiné'
  • local_type

    • specifies disposition of real estate
    • accepted values:
      • null => 'Neuvedeno'
      • '1+kk' => '1+kk'
      • '1+1' => '1+1'
      • '2+kk' => '2+kk'
      • '2+1' => '2+1'
      • '3+kk' => '3+kk'
      • '3+1' => '3+1'
      • '4+kk' => '4+kk'
      • '4+1' => '4+1'
      • 'jiné' => 'jiné'
  • construction

    • specifies construction material - walls - of real estate
    • accepted values:
      • null => 'Neuvedeno'
      • 'brick' => 'Cihlová'
      • 'wood' => 'Dřevená'
      • 'stone' => 'Kamenná'
      • 'montage' => 'Monotovaná'
      • 'panel' => 'Panelová'
      • 'mixed' => 'Smíšená'
      • 'low_energy' => 'Nízkonákladová'
      • 'other' => 'Jiná'
  • house_type**

    • specifies type of real estate
    • recommended always send it if property_type is set to house value
    • accepted values:
      • null => 'Neuvedeno'
      • 'other' => 'Jiný'
      • 'family_house' => 'Rodinný dům'
      • 'cottage' => 'Chalupa'
      • 'villa' => 'Vila'
      • 'hut' => 'Chata'
  • land_type*

    • specifies type of land
    • required if property_type set as land
    • accepted values:
      • 'building' => 'Stavební'
      • 'field' => 'Pole'
      • 'garden' => 'Zahrada'
      • 'meadow' => 'Louka'
      • 'forest' => 'Les'
      • 'other' => 'Jiný'
  • floor

    • idetinfies a floor number, starting from 0 (ground floor)
    • numeric
  • total_floors

    • total floor count, starting from 1 (ground floor)
    • numeric
  • energy_performance

    • describes energy efficiency of heating, also known as energy label
    • accepted values:
      • null => 'Neuvedeno'
      • 'A' => 'A'
      • 'B' => 'B'
      • 'C' => 'C'
      • 'D' => 'D'
      • 'E' => 'E'
      • 'F' => 'F'
      • 'G' => 'G'
  • equipment

    • includes equipment?
    • boolean variable
  • easy_access

    • boolean variable
  • elevator

    • boolean variable
  • loggia_area

    • numeric, float
  • attic_area

    • numeric, float
  • cellar_area

    • numeric, float
  • terrace_area

    • numeric, float
  • other_area

    • numeric, float
  • balcony_area

    • numeric, float
  • garden_area

    • numeric, float
  • built_up_area

    • numeric, float
  • rooms

    • number of rooms
    • numeric, integer
  • bathrooms

    • number of bathrooms
    • numeric, integer
  • bedrooms

    • number of bedrooms
    • numeric, integer
  • kitchens

    • number of kitchens
    • numeric, integer
  • garages

    • number of garages
    • numeric, integer
  • parking_spaces

    • numeric, integer
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